MemoMaster is a simple tool that allows to easily administer and collect information of texts, pictures, and calculations of any kind.
As the name speaks for it, this effective tool provides the power and capability to easily administer and collect information of texts, pictures, and calculations of any kind. This is a MS-Word and MS-Excel compatible software that can: administers all kinds of information like Phone transcripts, lists, addresses, descriptions, and so on; edit the content of a Text Memo with internal word processing tool, in a spreadsheet of a Calculation Memo, data may be listed or calculations can be executed, insert and embed images and graphics with anti-aliasing, monitor clipboard, find and replace text, move and duplicate Memos or folder structures, links to external files, create and customize tables in Text Memos, and much more.
MemoMaster, its database structure is created with the support of folders and Text or Calculation Memos in a tree.